Frequently Asked Questions
What are your rates? and do you take insurance?
The Education Student Accounts (ESA+) Program has reviewed our providers and covers grant-funding for testing. Please look at their website for guidelines for applying for this grant to use for testing and/or school options.
Dr. Glori Gray and Sarah Smead will determine during the consultation the amount of testing needed to best serve your needs; the length of the test battery determines the cost and time required. The process would be either one of the following:
1 - Comprehensive Testing - $3400 (for Glori Gray) and $3100 (for Sarah Smead, M.S., Ed.S.), which includes all of the following:
Intake Session
Testing hours (4-6 hours)*
Electronic Behavior Rating Forms
Document Review
Consultation with other providers
Teachers interviews
Comprehensive Report with Individualized Recommendations
Feedback Session (90 minutes, which includes parents with youth 12+)
*A reservation payment of $1550 or 1700 (depending on he provider) is owed at the time of scheduling testing.
2 - ADHD, Educational, and IQ Testing (1-3 hours of testing) — The total cost includes an intake session, testing sessions, a diagnostic written report, and a feedback session. Rates range from ($1150-$2650) and are as follows:
• 90-Minute Intake Session: $375 (Glori Gray) or $350 (Sarah Smead)
• Testing Sessions & Diagnostic Written Report: $475/hour (Glori Gray) or $450/hour (Sarah Smead). (This rate includes the cost of testing, electronic behavior rating forms, and the written diagnostic report.) The number of hours required for testing will be determined during the intake session. If more than 3 hours of testing is required, your clinician will discuss the need for additional testing with you.
• 90-Minute Feedback Session: $375 (Glori Gray) or $350 (Sarah Smead)
*A reservation payment of $1150 is owed at the time of scheduling testing.
3 - Therapy - Rates vary by clinician but are currently $250 for a 1-hour session with Dr. Gray. These include:
Behavioral Parent Training
Follow-up consultations
Individual or Family Therapy
4 - Follow-up Meetings or Additional Documentation
Any requests for additional information by your child's school or by you, the client, will incur charges based on an hourly rate. This includes, but is not limited to, follow-up meetings with clients and/or the school, whether conducted in person or virtually. Furthermore, any additional writing or preparation time, as well as travel time required to attend appointments outside of the office, will also be billed at the same hourly rate. These will be billed at a rate of $250/hour with Glori Gray and $230/hour with Sarah Smead. Any additional appointments outside of testing sessions, consultation, and the feedback session must be scheduled with Jenn Pompi.
Although Dr. Gray and Psychological Associates is not in-network for any insurance company, in most cases, insurance companies will cover some of the testing costs. You are responsible for checking for any prior authorization and coverage requirements with your insurance company. We encourage you to call so that you have an understanding from the insurance company as well prior to services starting. Since we are not in the network and do not partner with insurance companies, you'll need to reach out to your insurance provider for details.
You can use this DOCUMENT to help with inquiries with insurance companies.
You are also responsible for paying all fees out of pocket. Once the testing process has concluded, we will give you a superbill, and you will submit that to your insurance company for reimbursement.
We’d recommend asking these questions to your insurance provider to help determine your benefits:
Does my health insurance plan include mental health benefits?
Do I have a deductible? If so, what is it, and have I met it yet?
Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have? If so, what is the limit?
Do I need written approval from my primary care physician in order for services to be covered?
Dr. Gray is registered with Reimbursify, so filing out-of-network claims for reimbursement from your healthcare insurance plan is as hassle-free as possible.
Reimbursify is an option to assist you with submitting your paid superbill to the insurance company for FSA, HSA, or HRA for any other benefit plan reimbursement.
What is a superbill and can I get a superbill to submit to my insurance company?
A superbill is a billing statement for insurance reimbursement that is an itemized form created by healthcare providers and given to clients outlining specific information about the assessment and psychotherapy services rendered and the payments made. This information will be provided at the end of the testing process. It is then uploaded to our secure client portal. We securely email a superbill statements to our clients (or their legal guardian) upon request.
Please note, a superbill does include personal information such as the client’s name, the provider’s name and credentials, the office address and phone number, the client’s DSM-5/ICD-10 diagnostic code, the type of service provided for mental health (referred to as CPT billing codes) such as a diagnostic interview CPT 90791), evaluation services (CPT codes: 90830, 90836, 90838), psychotherapy treatment services (CPT codes: 90832, 90834, 90837, 90846, 90847), the dates of service, and the fees paid by the client (or parent/legal guardian).
PLEASE NOTE: Although Dr. Gray and Psychological Associates is not in-network with any insurance company, in most cases, insurance companies will usually cover some of the testing costs. You are responsible for checking any pre-authorization requirements and coverage (Starting January 2023) . You will need to provide a copy of any forms required by your insurance by the date of your consultation.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend a consultation session, please give at least 2 business days notice. Otherwise, you will be charged for the full rate of the session.
For testing, please recognize that cancellations within 10 business days will result in a charge for the full time reserved. Testing appointments are not refundable unless there is an emergency (defined as a death in the family). When significant illness, and/or accidents that require hospitalization occur, rescheduling is the first step. If these are not possible, due to the extent of medical injury, then our office has the discretion to determine a refund. This is with the understanding that we are not able to reserve that time with others who are interested in meeting during that same period. We can extend a 1-time courtesy for therapy appointments in which the child or parent is sick or when there is a true emergency. You are asked to email the office in addition to calling the main office, to ensure that we can coordinate schedules and make adjustments as needed.
How can I get an earlier appointment?
1 - Once you make contact with our office, you will be given 48 hours to complete initial paperwork through the online electronic record portal.
2- Once this is complete, our client representative will confirm a date for a consultation and/or testing. Please note that we encourage you to reserve any testing dates in advance because these book out rather quickly. You can schedule the testing when you meet for the consultation, but we cannot guarantee that this will be close to the date of consultation. To confirm any testing dates, a reservation payment earned upon receipt of $1700 is required for Dr. Glori Gray and $1550 for Sarah Smead, M.S., Ed.S.. This is non-refundable and applied to the balance held.
3 - You are still required to complete the developmental questionnaire and intake form within one week of confirming your consultation appointment. You are at risk of losing this date, however, if these clinical forms are not completed.
4- If you have a provider who referred you, please complete this RELEASE FORM to allow us to share information. Remember to submit a new form at the bottom for each person with whom you are consenting to exchange information.
5 - If you have taken these steps, we will put you in our priority pool to ensure that you have first access to appointments as they become available.
How can I connect directly with my provider? What if there’s an emergency or urgent need?
We make every effort to be responsive to your needs. We have specific office hours that you can schedule in advance. We respond to calls to our office within 24 hours, but our providers are not emergency personnel. If you are experiencing a true clinical emergency and need immediate assistance, please call the Mecklenburg County CriSys Crisis Response System (704-566-3410), call 911 (request a Crisis Intervention Team Trained Officer), or go to your nearest emergency room
With regard to our testing process, our focus is on ensuring that we have all of the data we need prior to sharing feedback. In instances where all tests are scored, data and records are received in advance, and parents or guardians are present, same-day feedback may be arranged. However, our preference is to take the time necessary to thoroughly review all the data, considering various possibilities and sometimes gathering additional information and referrals to support post-testing follow-up and intervention planning.
While this process may be part of our routine, we recognize its significance for our clients and their families. Allowing some time between testing and feedback enables us to approach the information thoughtfully, considering not only our recommendations but also the best methods of presentation and accessible referral resources."
Who attends the appointments?
During the initial (virtual) consultation, one or both parents are encouraged to attend without children, unless the person evaluated is an adolescent or adult. Everyone 18 or older can invite whomever they would like to attend this initial 90 minute session. It is worth noting that having both parents of a child or teen ensures that we understand everyone’s perspectives. and that we adequately answer the questions that initiated the testing process.
During testing appointments (in person), children ages 7 or younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This ensures that each child is comfortable navigating the transition to the testing room. Parents of older children are encouraged to stay nearby while waiting for breaks or for the child to finish. [As a note, parents are not able to stay in the room with the child due to standardization protocols for most tests.} Each person evaluated is allowed time for breaks as needed. This is especially true for children, who can rejoin their parents in the waiting area.
During the feedback session, this 90 minute virtual session is scheduled with adults or parents (of children). When discussing children’s results, both parents are encouraged to attend. The feedback session is one of the most important parts of this process. To miss this is to miss valuable insight into your child’s strengths/vulnerabilities, his diagnostic conceptualization, and/or thoughts on planning the trajectory, moving forward. These appointments can be scheduled to include parents with adolescents (usually asked to join for the last 20 minutes). If the family would prefer to schedule a separate feedback session, the 90-minute session can be split between two sessions. If additional time is needed, this can be scheduled separately with the office.
Any Other Questions?
Please contact us for any additional questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you. (704) 765-2549